Natalia Kovrijnykh

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Peer-Reviewed Publications:

"Is There Too Much Benchmarking in Asset Management?" 2023, Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova, American Economic Review,  113(4): 1112-1141.
NBER working paper version

"The Benchmark Inclusion Subsidy," 2021, with Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova,  Journal of Financial Economics, 142:756-774.
Vox column

"Screening as a Unified Theory of Delinquency, Renegotiation, and Bankruptcy," 2017, with Igor Livshits, International Economic Review, 58: 499-527.

"Delegated Information Acquisition with Moral Hazard," 2016, with Hector Chade,
Journal of Economic Theory,
162: 55-92.
Online Appendix

"Who Should Pay for Credit Ratings and How?" 2016, with Anil Kashyap,
Review of Financial Studies
, 29(2): 420-456.

"Debt Contracts with Partial Commitment," 2013,
American Economic Review,
103(7): 2848-2874.
Online Appendix

"Equilibrium Default Cycles," 2007, with Balazs Szentes,
Journal of Political Economy, 115(3): 403-446. 

Papers with Revisions Requested:

"Building Credit Histories," with Igor Livshits and Ariel Zetlin-Jones, revised and resubmitted to Review of Economic Studies; online Appendix

Selected Work in Progress:

"Designing Sustainable Benchmarks," with Anil Kashyap and Anna Pavlova

"Prices in Incentive Constraints," with Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova

"Swing Pricing," with Anil Kashyap, Jian Li, and Anna Pavlova; slides
"Implications of Eviction Enforcement for Household Formation and Home-Ownership," with Igor Livshits and Jacob Shepard

Old Working Papers:

"Specialization under Uncertainty," 2004, with Andrei Kovrijnykh